Author: dakshfarm

brown rice benefits

Brown rice is renowned for its myriad health benefits, often touted as superior to the more commonly consumed white rice. Packed with nutrients and fiber, it offers a range of advantages for overall well-being. Here’s a simplified breakdown of why brown rice deserves a place in your diet: Improved Digestion:…

brown rice thali

Brown rice, a whole grain less processed than white rice, retains its bran and germ, offering a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It’s notable for its high manganese content, essential for many bodily functions, and provides a good amount of dietary fiber, contributing to weight management, heart health,…

kerala matta rice

How to cook Kerala matta rice? In South India rice plays an important role in people’s diet. Choosing a healthy rice option is essential since people consume it almost daily. The best option for healthy matta rice is the traditionally cultivated ones from Daksh Farm. You can buy 1 kg…

cooking brown rice

How to Cook Brown Rice: A Foolproof Method Discover an easy way to cook perfect brown rice, suitable for any type except instant or quick-cooking varieties. Follow these steps for fluffy brown rice every time: Rinse the Rice: Begin by rinsing the rice to remove excess starch, preventing clumping. Rinse…

brown rice cakes by daksh farm

Introduction: Discover the nutritional wonders of organic brown rice cakes, a trending and health-conscious snack choice. Derived from organic brown rice, these gluten-free delights not only tantalize your taste buds but also offer an array of health benefits. In this article, we delve into the reasons why organic rice cakes…